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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-6848

[Operator] Address custom resource may be ignored by the operator


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Workaround Exists
    • Hide

      Use broker properties

      Use broker properties
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      Note: for checking the existence of queue use:

      $ oc rsh ex-aao-ss-0
      sh-4.4$ /home/jboss/amq-broker/bin/artemis queue stat --user admin --password admin
      1. install 7.10.OPR-2 or 7.10.OPR-3
      2. oc create -f probe-simple.yaml
      3. oc create -f address-with.yaml
      4. check the existence of the queue (does not exist)
      5. check existence of the address CR instance (readinessqueue does exist)
      6. check the existence of relevant secret (secret-address-readinessqueue does exist)
      7. oc delete -f probe-simple.yaml
      8. oc create -f probe-without.yaml (queue is created in couple of minutes at most)

      if done with address-without.yaml and or probe-without.yaml the issue won't occur.

      Note: for checking the existence of queue use: $ oc rsh ex-aao-ss-0 sh-4.4$ /home/jboss/amq-broker/bin/artemis queue stat --user admin --password admin install 7.10.OPR-2 or 7.10.OPR-3 oc create -f probe-simple.yaml oc create -f address-with.yaml check the existence of the queue (does not exist) check existence of the address CR instance (readinessqueue does exist) check the existence of relevant secret (secret-address-readinessqueue does exist) oc delete -f probe-simple.yaml oc create -f probe-without.yaml (queue is created in couple of minutes at most) if done with address-without.yaml and or probe-without.yaml the issue won't occur.

      If the operator is stuck in some "state" where it waits for resource to be ready first, like in case of applying the security CR within the deployment that is stuck on readiness probe, new resource gets created in OpenShift, but operator won't act upon that for what ever reason. Precise cause for this issue is still under investigation. This is mostly corner case as the address is usually created.

        1. address-with.yaml
          0.4 kB
        2. address-without.yaml
          0.3 kB
        3. probe-simple.yaml
          0.9 kB
        4. probe-without.yaml
          0.8 kB

              gtully@redhat.com Gary Tully
              rvais Roman Vais (Inactive)
              Roman Vais Roman Vais (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
