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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-6601

With AMQP, consumer sometimes receives duplicate values from last-value queue


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Icon: Major Major
    • AMQ 7.10.2.GA
    • AMQ 7.9.1.GA
    • amqp-protocol
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide

      This test uses amqutil, a general-purpose JMS test client:


      The "--qpid" argument in the examples below selects the use of Qpid JMS (AMQP). I am currently using version 0.55.0.

      1. Clean broker message store (7.9)

      2. Set up LVQ as follows in broker.xml:

      <address name="foo">
          <queue name="bar" 
             last-value-key="MESSAGE_KEY" non-destructive="true"/>

      3. Start broker

      4. Publish 10 numbered messages (values will be 0..9) with property MESSAGE_KEY of the same value:

      $ amqutil publish 10 --qpid --destination foo --numbered --properties MESSAGE_KEY=1000 

      5. Consume as many messages as possible:

      $ amqutil subscribe 100 --destination foo::bar --qpid --format text
      ID:fcb3fc8b-bfd6-4a71-9b82-7021fcee1d64:1:1:1-10 TextMessage
      { org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.message.AmqpJmsTextMessageFacade@1cf6d1be }

      Since message are numbered 0...9, it is correct that the message with body "9" is retrieved, as it is the last value.

      6. Publish 10 nunbered messages again (same numbering)

      $ amqutil publish 10 --qpid --destination foo --numbered --properties MESSAGE_KEY=1000 

      5. Consume as many messages as possible:

      $ amqutil subscribe 100 --destination foo::bar --qpid --format text
      ID:ce6d3002-8f24-40b2-9abf-40fd8837da78:1:1:1-10 TextMessage
      JmsTextMessage { org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.message.AmqpJmsTextMessageFacade@1cf6d1be }
      ID:ce6d3002-8f24-40b2-9abf-40fd8837da78:1:1:1-10 TextMessage
      { org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.message.AmqpJmsTextMessageFacade@663c9e7a }

      Note that the message with body "9" is received twice.

      6. publish one more message. The body will be numbered 0

      $ amqutil publish 1 --qpid --destination foo --numbered --properties MESSAGE_KEY=1000 

      7. Consume messages

      $ amqutil subscribe 100 --destination foo::bar --qpid --format text
      ID:132d7d04-74c0-41eb-89df-2c07e94b45f0:1:1:1-1 TextMessage
      JmsTextMessage { org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.message.AmqpJmsTextMessageFacade@1cf6d1be }
      ID:132d7d04-74c0-41eb-89df-2c07e94b45f0:1:1:1-1 TextMessage
      JmsTextMessage { org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.message.AmqpJmsTextMessageFacade@663c9e7a }

      Again the message with key "1000" is duplicated; but the duplicate is the same value. That is, the consumer always seems to get the last value published, but it might get it more than once.

      This test uses amqutil, a general-purpose JMS test client: https://github.com/kevinboone/amqutil The "--qpid" argument in the examples below selects the use of Qpid JMS (AMQP). I am currently using version 0.55.0. 1. Clean broker message store (7.9) 2. Set up LVQ as follows in broker.xml: <address name= "foo" > <multicast> <queue name= "bar" last-value-key= "MESSAGE_KEY" non-destructive= " true " /> </multicast> </address>   3. Start broker 4. Publish 10 numbered messages (values will be 0..9) with property MESSAGE_KEY of the same value: $ amqutil publish 10 --qpid --destination foo --numbered --properties MESSAGE_KEY=1000 5. Consume as many messages as possible: $ amqutil subscribe 100 --destination foo::bar --qpid --format text ... ID:fcb3fc8b-bfd6-4a71-9b82-7021fcee1d64:1:1:1-10 TextMessage JmsTextMessage { org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.message.AmqpJmsTextMessageFacade@1cf6d1be } 9 Since message are numbered 0...9, it is correct that the message with body "9" is retrieved, as it is the last value. 6. Publish 10 nunbered messages again (same numbering) $ amqutil publish 10 --qpid --destination foo --numbered --properties MESSAGE_KEY=1000 5. Consume as many messages as possible: $ amqutil subscribe 100 --destination foo::bar --qpid --format text ID:ce6d3002-8f24-40b2-9abf-40fd8837da78:1:1:1-10 TextMessage JmsTextMessage { org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.message.AmqpJmsTextMessageFacade@1cf6d1be } 9 ID:ce6d3002-8f24-40b2-9abf-40fd8837da78:1:1:1-10 TextMessage JmsTextMessage { org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.message.AmqpJmsTextMessageFacade@663c9e7a } 9 Note that the message with body "9" is received twice. 6. publish one more message. The body will be numbered 0 $ amqutil publish 1 --qpid --destination foo --numbered --properties MESSAGE_KEY=1000 7. Consume messages $ amqutil subscribe 100 --destination foo::bar --qpid --format text ID:132d7d04-74c0-41eb-89df-2c07e94b45f0:1:1:1-1 TextMessage JmsTextMessage { org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.message.AmqpJmsTextMessageFacade@1cf6d1be } 0 ID:132d7d04-74c0-41eb-89df-2c07e94b45f0:1:1:1-1 TextMessage JmsTextMessage { org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.message.AmqpJmsTextMessageFacade@663c9e7a } 0 Again the message with key "1000" is duplicated; but the duplicate is the same value. That is, the consumer always seems to get the last value published, but it might get it more than once.

            rhn-support-jbertram Justin Bertram
            rhn-support-kboone Kevin Boone (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
