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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-6560

Inaccurate logging cited for consumers


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Release Notes, User Experience
    • Hide
      • Please create an anycast Queue
      • Please uncomment LoggingActiveMQServerPlugin to enable the plugin
      • Please create a consumer that relies on Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE,
      • Start the consumer, please do not ACKnowledge the message(s)
      • Close the consumer
      • The log states the message had been acknowledged by the client where that was not.
      • You can verify the status of the un-acknowledged message using the admin console.


      Here's the log output:

      2022-Apr.-18 15:20:15,505 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.plugin.impl] AMQ841014: acknowledged message ID: 19, messageRef sessionID: 3aaf3637-bed7-11ec-9291-00e18cc9acb1, with messageRef consumerID: 0, messageRef QueueName: A,  with ackReason: NORMAL



      Please create an anycast Queue Please uncomment LoggingActiveMQServerPlugin to enable the plugin Please create a consumer that relies on Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE , Start the consumer, please do not ACKnowledge the message(s) Close the consumer The log states the message had been acknowledged by the client where that was not. You can verify the status of the un-acknowledged message using the admin console.   Here's the log output: 2022-Apr.-18 15:20:15,505 INFO   [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.plugin.impl] AMQ841014: acknowledged message ID: 19, messageRef sessionID: 3aaf3637-bed7-11ec-9291-00e18cc9acb1, with messageRef consumerID: 0, messageRef QueueName: A,  with ackReason: NORMAL    

      {{The AMQ broker logs AMQ841014: acknowledged message for the messages that have not been acknowledged by the client. }}

        1. broker.xml
          11 kB
          Tyronne Wickramarathne
        2. AMQJMSClientAck.java
          3 kB
          Tyronne Wickramarathne

              rhn-support-jbertram Justin Bertram
              rhn-support-tywickra Tyronne Wickramarathne
              Samuel Gajdos Samuel Gajdos
              1 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
