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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-6362

Batch of messages lost when broker process is killed while client is producing messages


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • AMQ 7.10.0.GA
    • AMQ 7.9.2.GA
    • transactions
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • Hide

      1. Run the client (attached to bug). It sends batches of messages to the broker.
      2. While the client is sending message batches to the broker, kill the broker process.
      3. Restart the broker. Client reconnects and sends few more batches of messages.
      4. Once it is done, same code contains consumer and it starts consuming messages. At the end it checks the message count.
      5. If messages are lost, it prints the information.    

      1. Run the client (attached to bug). It sends batches of messages to the broker. 2. While the client is sending message batches to the broker, kill the broker process. 3. Restart the broker. Client reconnects and sends few more batches of messages. 4. Once it is done, same code contains consumer and it starts consuming messages. At the end it checks the message count. 5. If messages are lost, it prints the information.    

      Vanilla broker lost transacted messages if it gets killed while the producer is producing messages. 

        1. rolling.zip
          15.94 MB
        2. reproducer-no-completion-listener.zip
          7 kB
        3. reproducer2.zip
          5 kB

              dbruscin Domenico Francesco Bruscino
              rhn-support-vkamble Varsha Kamble
              Dominik Lenosi Dominik Lenosi (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
