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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-5899

The large-messages-directory doesn't get cleaned up when consuming from mirror


    • False
    • False
    • Hide
      1. Create 2 brokers (ie, dc1 and dc2) and configure them with a bi-directional AMQP mirror.
      2. Produce a large message to dc1 broker.
      3. Verify that it that it gets mirrored to dc2 broker.
      4. You should be able to see the actual file in the large-message-directory of both dc1 and dc2 brokers.
      5. Consume the message from dc2 broker.
      6. Verify that the acknowledgement gets mirrored to dc1 broker.
      7. You should see that the message no longer exists in the queue for dc1 (via browse or consumer), but that the file still exists in the large-message-directory for dc1.
      Create 2 brokers (ie, dc1 and dc2) and configure them with a bi-directional AMQP mirror. Produce a large message to dc1 broker. Verify that it that it gets mirrored to dc2 broker. You should be able to see the actual file in the large-message-directory of both dc1 and dc2 brokers. Consume the message from dc2 broker. Verify that the acknowledgement gets mirrored to dc1 broker. You should see that the message no longer exists in the queue for dc1 (via browse or consumer), but that the file still exists in the large-message-directory for dc1.

      When using the AMQP mirror function with large files, there are cases where the message will be marked as consumed from the queue, but the file itself will not get removed from the large-message-directory.

              csuconic@redhat.com Clebert Suconic
              jreagan@redhat.com Joshua Reagan (Inactive)
              Oleg Sushchenko Oleg Sushchenko
              1 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
