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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-573

Expiring of AMQP messages does not work


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      1) Create a queue
      2) Send a message via AMQP protocol with defined TTL
      3) Wait TTL + few more seconds, messages should move to ExpiryQueue
      4) Read messages from ExpiryQueue and verify no message with ttl is in the original queue

      QE test: JAMQMsgPatternsAac111Tests/test_dead_letter_queue_with_expired_messages

      1) Create a queue 2) Send a message via AMQP protocol with defined TTL 3) Wait TTL + few more seconds, messages should move to ExpiryQueue 4) Read messages from ExpiryQueue and verify no message with ttl is in the original queue QE test: JAMQMsgPatternsAac111Tests/test_dead_letter_queue_with_expired_messages

      AMQP Messages having expire time (time to live) are sent to the queue and they won't expire and move to "default" ExpiryQueue.
      Openwire messages work properly in ER17. Seems like an issue with AMQP protocol only. clebert this might be related to your work I guess.

      In ER16, it works as expected. This is a regression.

            csuconic@redhat.com Clebert Suconic
            mtoth@redhat.com Michal Toth
            Michal Toth Michal Toth
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