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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-5257

shared durable subscriber: new connection with different selector also changes maxConsumers


    • False
    • False
    • Undefined
    • Hide

      1. Create address

      $ curl --header "Origin: http://localhost" --user admin:admin ",java.lang.String)/FOO/MULTICAST"

      2. Run reproducer

      //configure home directory for AMQ distribution in pom.xml

      mvn -PnoServer clean verify

      //producer will pause after creating first subscriber

      3. Check maxConsumers

      $ curl --header "Origin: http://localhost" --user admin:admin "http://localhost:8161/console/jolokia/read/org.apache.activemq.artemis:broker=%,component=addresses,address=%22FOO%22,subcomponent=queues,routing-type=%22multicast%22,queue=%22FOO:global%22/MaxConsumers"

      maxConsumers == -1

      4. Continue reproducer (hit enter)

      5. Check maxConsumers again

      $ curl --header "Origin: http://localhost" --user admin:admin "http://localhost:8161/console/jolokia/read/org.apache.activemq.artemis:broker=%,component=addresses,address=%22FOO%22,subcomponent=queues,routing-type=%22multicast%22,queue=%22FOO:global%22/MaxConsumers"

      maxConsumers == 1

      1. Create address $ curl --header "Origin: http: //localhost" --user admin:admin " String ,java.lang. String )/FOO/MULTICAST" 2. Run reproducer //configure home directory for AMQ distribution in pom.xml mvn -PnoServer clean verify //producer will pause after creating first subscriber 3. Check maxConsumers $ curl --header "Origin: http: //localhost" --user admin:admin "http://localhost:8161/console/jolokia/read/org.apache.activemq.artemis:broker=%,component=addresses,address=%22FOO%22,subcomponent=queues,routing-type=%22multicast%22,queue=%22FOO:global%22/MaxConsumers" maxConsumers == -1 4. Continue reproducer (hit enter) 5. Check maxConsumers again $ curl --header "Origin: http: //localhost" --user admin:admin "http://localhost:8161/console/jolokia/read/org.apache.activemq.artemis:broker=%,component=addresses,address=%22FOO%22,subcomponent=queues,routing-type=%22multicast%22,queue=%22FOO:global%22/MaxConsumers" maxConsumers == 1

      See reproducer attached to this ticket - when a subscriber is created the maxConsumers is '-1'. The same subscriber is re-created with a different selector and the maxConsumers is '1'. The expected outcome is maxConsumers '-1' in both cases.

      If the selector does not change, the maxConsumers remains at '-1'.

              rh-ee-ataylor Andy Taylor
              rhn-support-shiggs Stephen Higgs
              Oleg Sushchenko Oleg Sushchenko
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
