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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-3620

AMQ Broker Operator should allow SCC/serviceAccount configuration


      When using AMQ Broker with a non-native container PV, the AMQ template allows for the inclusion of a different SCC (e.g. 'anyuid') and the RunAsUser property to allow the broker to mount and use the NFS mount.

      The AMQ Broker operator has no way to do this, using both the restricted SCC, a default serviceAccount and no way to add the RunAsUser property.

      The AMQ Broker template and the Operator should have a consistent way of configuring the SCC/serviceAccount to allow a change in the UID for the running broker.

            rhn-support-rkieley Roderick Kieley
            lematthe@redhat.com Charles Matthews (Inactive)
            Mikhail Krutov Mikhail Krutov
            0 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
