Resolution: Done
AMQ 7.5.0.GA
From https://access.redhat.com/support/cases/#/case/02587320:
"I just executed "oc create -f broker....yaml" to install an AMQ broker instance in the same project as the operator (from section 2.4 at the documentation https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_amq/7.5/html-single/deploying_amq_broker_on_openshift/index#operator-broker-deploy-broker-ocp).
So, one of the cluster admins created new roles and rolebindings for the custom resources, and then linked them to my user name. And afterwards I was able to create the custom resource ArtemisMQBroker. He followed the guide at https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.11/admin_guide/custom_resource_definitions.html.
The problem is that this is not mentioned as a possibility in the documentation of AMQ Broker. Maybe somehow the documentation should be updated to reflect this potential requirement?"