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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-2264

JMS Producer queueQuery does not work when addressName != queueName



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Major
    • AMQ 7.2.4.GA
    • AMQ 7.2.2.GA
    • broker-core
    • None
    • +
    • Verified in a release
    • Hide

      1.Download Test_Cases_Updated.zip. This contains the test programs for both brokers (EAP 7.1 and StandAlone for AMQ)
      2.Modify publisher.sh & subscriber.sh to include:
      a.Your Java PATH for both brokers.
      b.The Username and host infornation (Example : //..Java Path -Xmx650M com.jms.Publisher [username] [host])
      c. Username and passwords are: server & guest. Be sure to add these users to the EAP's user list with the group guest. Also the password is hard-coded to "password" in the program as well which you would need to add when adding the users.
      3. Start AMQ or EAP
      4. Run the respective publisher & subscriber file. You should see that JMS connection is active and the publisher will ask for user input
      5. Follow the available commands for the publisher (ie. send 100000 to send 100k messages)

      1.Download Test_Cases_Updated.zip. This contains the test programs for both brokers (EAP 7.1 and StandAlone for AMQ) 2.Modify publisher.sh & subscriber.sh to include: a.Your Java PATH for both brokers. b.The Username and host infornation (Example : //..Java Path -Xmx650M com.jms.Publisher [username] [host] ) c. Username and passwords are: server & guest. Be sure to add these users to the EAP's user list with the group guest. Also the password is hard-coded to "password" in the program as well which you would need to add when adding the users. 3. Start AMQ or EAP 4. Run the respective publisher & subscriber file. You should see that JMS connection is active and the publisher will ask for user input 5. Follow the available commands for the publisher (ie. send 100000 to send 100k messages)


      We have a customer at an evaluation stage of choosing AMQ as standalone or using EAP container.
      They have performed some tests and based on the results they are seeing, EAP with Artemis seems to perform faster than AMQ standalone.

      Here's the description,

      Based on my test case and observations, to send about 100k messages it takes about ~30 seconds on AMQ vs ~3 seconds on EAP 7.1. Based on my understanding, EAP contains the Artemis version 1.5.5 and the AMQ message broker is based on Artemis version 2.x. Has there been significant changes since the version bundled with EAP that impacts performance to this degree? I find it hard to believe that the difference is this significant and figure there may be a configuration that i've missed or that has been changed.

      For my test case (which i've attached), I wrote a program for which I connect a publisher and a subscriber to the broker and measure the time it takes to publish and receive messages. Running the same code (minus some connection changes), I am observing the performance i mentioned above. In additional, for both my test runs, I've downloaded a fresh copy of EAP 7.1 and AMQ 7.2.2 with minimal configuration changes (broker & standalone xmls also attached).




            csuconic@redhat.com Clebert Suconic
            rhn-support-vgohel Viral Gohel
            Michal Toth Michal Toth
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue

