Resolution: Won't Do
There is an issue in EAP https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBEAP-13599, about OutOfMemory exception during cluster communication and resend cache.
Problem is solvable by use property producer-window-size, which was prepared in PR https://github.com/rh-messaging/jboss-activemq-artemis/pull/247.
After upgrade of artemis to version 2.6.3, fix is no longer working.
There are two Artemis servers in cluster
Server 1 has messages in a queue but it has no consumer (source server)
Server 2 has consumer (target server)
Since target server has consumer, messages are redistributed from the source server to the target server
Target server responds slower that the source server sends messages. This may be caused by slow IO operations or by exhausted CPU.
Expectation: All messages are redistributed from the source to target server and consumed by the consumer.
Reality: Some messages are lost during redistribution.
Without producer-window-size, scenario ends with OutOfMemory exception on Server 1.
With producer-window0size set to 50000 (patch to modify test to use this property is attached) test ends with not delivered messages.
After investigation it seems, that producer-window-size (p-w-s) exhausts queue:
- I'm able to find following message in test log:
WARN [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] (Thread-0 (-scheduled-threads)) AMQ224081: The component QueueImpl[name=jms.queue.testQueue, postOffice=PostOfficeImpl [server=ActiveMQServerImpl::serverUUID=6fd86bc3-ecb5-11e8-8048-e4b3187cd715], temp=false]@5112cd78 is not responsive
- following dump thread shows, that almost all threads are waiting (thread dump is also attached)
- it seems, that p-w-s is working, because I'm able to log block requests (by usage of some additional logging)
- sometimes test scenario ends with OutOfMemory exception
another fact (which can be related):
If byteman rule (simulating slower response) is removed, number of messages is set to 30000 (instead of 120000)
- test scenario without p-w-s ends successfully
- test scenario with p-w-s ends with out of memory exception - which seems, like p-s-w is blocking a lot of parallel threads
- clones
JBEAP-13599 (7.4.z) ResendCache in ChannelImpl has no upper limit and may cause OOM error
- Closed