Resolution: Done
AMQ 7.2.0.GA
Release Notes
AMQ Broker now supports masking the values of the `key-store-password` and `trust-store-password` settings the in management.xml file. These values are used when you secure remote JMX access with SSL.
Documented as Feature Request
AMQ Broker 1839
While using AMQ 7.2.0 with JMX via SSL, masking the keystore and truststore password in the etc/management.xml file does not seem to be working.
"2018-09-06 11:18:33,239 ERROR [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] Can't init JMXConnectorServer: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect" in the "log/artemis.log".
where configuration in management.xml file:
<connector connector-port="1099" connector-host="localhost" secured="true" key-store-path="/home/test.keystore.jks" key-store-password="ENC(3a34fd21b82bf2a822fa49a8d8fa115d" trust-store-path="/home/test.truststore.jks" trust-store-password="ENC(3a34fd21b82bf2a822fa49a8d8fa115d)"/>
It appears password in "management.xml" file cannot be masked. However, it works if the keystore and truststore password are provided without masking.