Resolution: Unresolved
Replay messages into broker
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
User Story:
As a System Administrator
I would like to be able load messages to/from a broker using an XML file
So that I can import or export messages that may have been lost or created in a different system to a specific queue
More info:
This is basically taking a XML file that follows a defined format and upload them to a specific queue or address in the broker, it also supports doing the reverse and downloading messages into an XML file.
Upstream PR: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARTEMIS-1840
Some testing covered by artemis- cli/src/test/java/org/apache/activemq/cli/test/MessageSerializerTest however may still need integration test.
Minimal docs upstream just whats covered by the cli help command:
./bin/artemis help data consumer
./bin/artemis help data producer
Altho this is generic and this functionality only covers what has been added by the --data flag which points to a XML file. We need to pride the format of the xml file to docs.