Resolution: Done
AMQ 7.2.0.GA
A backup broker may become a live broker despite getting IOErrors during Data Replication phase when trying replicating paged messages.
Warning similar to this one appear in the backup broker log file
2018-07-25 09:38:49,081 WARN [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ222086: error handling packet ReplicationPageEventMessage(channel=2, isDelete=true, storeName=test_topic_durable_57, pageNumber=1) for replication: java.io.IOException: Failed to create directory /<mount>/data/paging/26c983-8f-11-90-7cd25fd8
Despite these warnings the broker becomes the new live broker as per the following logging
2018-07-25 09:38:49,093 INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221037: ActiveMQServerImpl::serverUUID=1e31b-0a-11-a1d-7a5fd8 to become 'live'
- is related to
ENTMQBR-1875 [AMQ 7, ha, replicated store] backup broker appear not to go "live" or shutdown after - ActiveMQIllegalStateException errorType=ILLEGAL_STATE message=AMQ119026: Backup Server was not yet in sync with live
- New
ENTMQBR-1878 [AMQ7, broker shutdown, JMX connector] JVM does not exit if "connector" configured in management-context
- Closed