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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-151

GuestLoginModule behaves not according documentation


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • A-MQ 7.0.0.ER6
    • None
    • None
    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), Compatibility/Configuration, User Experience
    • Hide

      1) Configure JAAS login.config as in example

      activemq-guest-when-no-creds-only-domain {
          org.apache.activemq.artemis.spi.core.security.jaas.GuestLoginModule sufficient
          org.apache.activemq.artemis.spi.core.security.jaas.PropertiesLoginModule requisite

      2) Start the broker
      3) Send a message with provided username
      4) Send a message with provided password only
      5) Send a message without provided username/password

      1) Configure JAAS login.config as in example activemq-guest-when-no-creds-only-domain { org.apache.activemq.artemis.spi.core.security.jaas.GuestLoginModule sufficient debug=true credentialsInvalidate=true org.apache.activemq.jaas.guest.user="guest" org.apache.activemq.jaas.guest.role="guests"; org.apache.activemq.artemis.spi.core.security.jaas.PropertiesLoginModule requisite debug=true org.apache.activemq.jaas.properties.user="artemis-users.properties" org.apache.activemq.jaas.properties.role="artemis-roles.properties"; }; 2) Start the broker 3) Send a message with provided username 4) Send a message with provided password only 5) Send a message without provided username/password

      According to security doc part GuestLoginModule and using second example, which has GuestLoginModule defined before PropertiesLoginModule, it is not clear, what users GuestLoginModule should allow in.

      There are 3 different scenarios which could apply for GuestLoginModule if I understand correctly:
      1) Provide no credentials at all. Message should be successfully sent. Works as expected

      [0,root@mt_r6x0 clients]$ ./aac1_sender.java.sh --broker-uri amqp://<broker-ip>:5672 --address "jms.queue.test_plain_username_missing_password_right" --count 1 --log-msgs dict
      15:57:37,682 DEBUG Connection=amqp://<broker-ip>:5672
      {'redelivered': False, 'reply_to': None, 'id': ':1c196498-00c6-42bc-98c5-f990d41ea0ba:1:1:1-1', 'user_id':None, 'correlation_id': None, 'priority': 4, 'durable': True, 'ttl': 0, 'type': None, 'expiration': 0, 'timestamp': 1464271058653, 'destination': 'jms.queue.test_plain_username_missing_password_right', 'properties': {'JMSXDeliveryCount': 1}, 'content': None}

      2) Provide only username. Message should (?!) be received by broker, unclear to me. from sentence User logs in with a blank password — the guest login module successfully authenticates the user and returns immediately. The properties login module is not invoked.
      Message is successfully sent.

      [0,root@mt_r6x0 clients]$ ./aac1_sender.java.sh --broker-uri amqp://<broker-ip>:5672?jms.username=tckuser --address "jms.queue.test_plain_username_missing_password_right" --count 1 --log-msgs dict
      15:56:24,297 DEBUG Connection=amqp://<broker-ip>:5672?jms.username=tckuser
      {'redelivered': False, 'reply_to': None, 'id': ':ee64581e-25ee-493e-9ab1-9980d2cdcb0f:1:1:1-1', 'user_id':None, 'correlation_id': None, 'priority': 4, 'durable': True, 'ttl': 0, 'type': None, 'expiration': 0, 'timestamp': 1464270985984, 'destination': 'jms.queue.test_plain_username_missing_password_right', 'properties': {'JMSXDeliveryCount': 1}, 'content': None}

      3) Provide only password. Message should not be received (imo). Message is successfully sent. NOK

      [0,root@mt_r6x0 clients]$ ./aac1_sender.java.sh --broker-uri amqp://<broker-ip>:5672?jms.password=tckuser --address "jms.queue.test_plain_username_missing_password_right" --count 1 --log-msgs dict
      15:40:15,307 DEBUG Connection=amqp://<broker-ip>:5672?jms.password=tckuser
      {'redelivered': False, 'reply_to': None, 'id': ':2bb63610-7c2c-4622-9dd5-bb83d3c23c83:1:1:1-1', 'user_id':None, 'correlation_id': None, 'priority': 4, 'durable': True, 'ttl': 0, 'type': None, 'expiration': 0, 'timestamp': 1464270016190, 'destination': 'jms.queue.test_plain_username_missing_password_right', 'properties': {'JMSXDeliveryCount': 1}, 'content': None}

            rhn-support-jbertram Justin Bertram
            mtoth@redhat.com Michal Toth
            Michal Toth Michal Toth
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
