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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-127

ClassCast exception when sending to client


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • A-MQ 7.0.0.ER13
    • A-MQ 7.0.0.GA
    • None

      I have a setup with 2 brokers A and B, 1 JMS sender, and 2 JMS receivers. The brokers are linked together via a core bridge. The receivers connect to broker A and B respectively, and the sender connects to A.

      After a little trial and error, I ended up with the attached broker configurations. Might be that it is not correct given that I create queue with the same name as the address, but it was the only way I got it to work. My clients are based on the qpid-jms examples and are confirmed to work with 1 broker. Client code: https://gist.github.com/lulf/58990f3552648b0efabc0f69c9803bfa

      When the sender sends a message to broker A, the broker A log shows an exception when it appears to send the message to the receiver attached to it. The bridge forwards the message correctly to broker B, and the receiver attached to broker B receives the message correctly. I've attached the log from broker A.

      I'm using A-MQ7 from August 4th.

        1. artemis_A.log
          8 kB
        2. broker_A.xml
          4 kB
        3. broker_B.xml
          4 kB

            rh-ee-ataylor Andy Taylor
            lulf@redhat.com Ulf Lilleengen (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
