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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-1063

Improve DB2 compatibility


    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), Release Notes
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      AMQ Broker now supports IBM DB2 versions 10.5 and 11.1 for message storage. The following enhancements have been made:

      * AUTO_INCREMENT is now supported on DB2.
      * You can now configure the maximum allowed time difference between the system time and DB2 time. This makes high availability more reliable, because the broker will be shut down automatically if the time difference exceeds the configured value.
      * Database tables can now be created externally. Concurrent table creation checking has been improved.
      AMQ Broker now supports IBM DB2 versions 10.5 and 11.1 for message storage. The following enhancements have been made: * AUTO_INCREMENT is now supported on DB2. * You can now configure the maximum allowed time difference between the system time and DB2 time. This makes high availability more reliable, because the broker will be shut down automatically if the time difference exceeds the configured value. * Database tables can now be created externally. Concurrent table creation checking has been improved.
    • Documented as Feature Request

      User Story:
      As an architect, I want to use my existing IBM DB2 infrastructure for message storage.

      It targets to improve the JDBC compatibility for IBM DB2 Enterprise e10.5 on both journalling and ha (ie JDBC node manager)

              fnigro Francesco Nigro
              fnigro Francesco Nigro
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