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  1. AMQ Broker
  2. ENTMQBR-1060

Unable to access to AMQ7.1 Management Console in read-only mode


      As administrator I want to create a monitor role to allow access to Management Console only to view and read the status of any objects.

      As administrator I am using roles to manage queues and topics successfully but I would like to have users to monitor the broker with the Management Console.

      At this moment I created a role and I updated the following files as:

      etc/artemis.profile: Changed the roles allowed to access:


      etc/management.xml: Allowed methods for each method:

       <access method="list*" roles="amq,monitor"/>
       <access method="get*" roles="amq,monitor"/>
       <access method="is*" roles="amq,monitor"/>
       <access method="set*" roles="amq"/>
       <access method="*" roles="amq"/>
       <match domain="org.apache.activemq.artemis">
       <access method="list*" roles="amq,monitor"/>
       <access method="get*" roles="amq,monitor"/>
       <access method="is*" roles="amq,monitor"/>
       <access method="set*" roles="amq"/>
       <access method="*" roles="amq"/>

      With these changes I could login as monitor user however I found a lot of errors as:

      ERROR: Insufficient roles/credentials for operation (class java.lang.SecurityException)

              rh-ee-ataylor Andy Taylor
              rmarting@redhat.com Roman Martin Gil
              Roman Vais Roman Vais (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
