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  1. JBoss A-MQ
  2. ENTMQ-977

KeepAlive timer in shared file lock doesn't detect lock deletion in time


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • JBoss A-MQ 6.2
    • master-slave
    • Hide

      1. Run A-MQ with persistance storage on NFSv4.
      2. Delete lock file from another machine which has same share mounted.
      3. Broker shuts down with much larger timeout than keepAlive period

      1. Run A-MQ with persistance storage on NFSv4. 2. Delete lock file from another machine which has same share mounted. 3. Broker shuts down with much larger timeout than keepAlive period

      I have AMQ running on openstack with following persistence configuration.

          <kahaDB directory="/mnt/nfs/fuse-shared/kahadb" lockKeepAlivePeriod="2000">
                  <shared-file-locker lockAcquireSleepInterval="10000"/>

      Where location /mnt/nfs/fuse-shared/ is NFSv4 share.

      When I delete lock file the broker should stop in keepalive period (2s). But it works only when I delete lock on the machine, where broker is running.

      If I delete lock file from another machine which has same NFS mounted then it takes broker up to 60 seconds before broker realizes that the lock file was deleted.

      If I delete lock from another machine and then ssh into machine where broker is running and just list the kahaDB directory:

      ls /mnt/nfs/fuse-shared/kahadb/ 

      Then keepAlive detects file deletion and broker shutdown in 2s.

            gmurthy@redhat.com Ganesh Murthy
            knetl.j@gmail.com Jakub Knetl (Inactive)
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