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  1. JBoss A-MQ
  2. ENTMQ-953

MQTT client with retain set to true receives message sent by a client on a topic not allowed by SimpleAuthenticationPlugin ACL configuration


      an MQTT client, with retain set to true, can publish on a not allowed topic although not authorized by SimpleAuthenticationPlugin plugin filter implementation and although the security plugin throw a SecurityException during publish attempt.

      We configured SimpleAuthenticationPlugin as follows we defined 2 users:

      	<authenticationUser username="user1" password=“user1" groups="users1”/>
      	<authenticationUser username="user2" password=“user2" groups="users2”/>

      that are allowed to publish/subscribe on 2 different topics

      	<authorizationEntry topic="USER1.>" read="users1" write="users1" admin="users1" />
      	<authorizationEntry topic="USER2.>" read="users2" write="users2" admin="users2" />

      We connected the client 1 with the credential users1 and subscribe USER1/TOPIC1/TOPIC2.
      Then we connected the client 2 with the credential users2 and we publish a message to topic USER1/TOPIC1/TOPIC2.
      The broker throw a SecurityException and the client 1 doesn’t receive any message.

      But if the client 1 subscribe again the topic USER1/TOPIC1/TOPIC2 it receive the message that client 2 shouldn’t be allowed to sent.

            dejanbosanac Dejan Bosanac
            rhn-support-qluo Joe Luo
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
