Uploaded image for project: 'JBoss A-MQ'
  1. JBoss A-MQ
  2. ENTMQ-2339

Update image.yaml to work with latest CEKit 3.4.0 for integration with CPaaS


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • JBoss A-MQ 6.3
    • container-image
    • None
    • 1
    • ignore

      As per CPaaS-233 there was work done on the CEKit side, used for building the A-MQ 6.y and AMQ 7.y container images, to be compatible with the Continuous Productization as a Service CI/CD pipelines.

      In particular there were two flags added,




      as per the CEKit 3.4.0 Release Notes to enable compatibility. As we've been using 2.2.7 up to now, moving to CPaaS will require compatibility with 3.4.0.

            rhn-support-rkieley Roderick Kieley
            rhn-support-rkieley Roderick Kieley
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