Resolution: Done
JBoss A-MQ 6.3
The broker destination MBean, which forms the basis of the destination metrics in the Hawtio console, has some English labels with varying degrees of incorrectness. In some cases it's just a matter of English syntax; in others the descriptions are less precise that they need to be. These problems are not so noticeable when confined to JMX, but the JMX labels form part of the Hawtio user interface, where they are quite prominent.
I would like to propose the following changes, for the reasons specified.
ATTR: Always retroactive:
FROM: Always treat consumers as retroActive
TO: Always treat consumers as retroactive – attempt to send missed messages
WHY: Inconsistent letter case
ATTR: Average blocked time
FROM: get the average time (ms) a message is blocked for Flow Control
TO: Average time (ms) a message has been blocked by flow control
WHY: 'get' redundant; inconsistent letter case
ATTR: Average enqueue time
FROM: Average time a message has been held this destination.
TO: Average time a message has been held on this destination before being dequeued
WHY: "held this" is ambiguous; need to clarify that the time does not apply to messages still on the broker
ATTR: Blocked sends
FROM: Get number of messages blocked for Flow Control
TO: Number of messages blocked by flow control
WHY: inconsistent letter case; "Get" redundant
ATTR: Dequeue count
FROM: Number of messages that have been acknowledged (and removed from) from the destination.
TO: Number of messages that has been acknowledged and removed from the destination
WHY: duplicate "from"s. Strictly speaking it should be "number ... that has been", as "number" is singular, not plural. But I appreciate that this is very pedantic.
ATTR: Dispatch count
FROM: Number of messages that have been delivered (but potentially not acknowledged) to consumers.
TO: Number of messages that has been delivered to consumers, including those not acknowledged
WHY: You can deliver ... to, but you can't acknowledge ... to; you can only acknowledge ... by.
ATTR: Max enqueue time
FROM: The longest time a message has been held this destination.
TO: The longest time a message has been held on this destination before being dequeued
WHY: "held this" is ambiguous; need to clarify that messages currently on the broker are not counted
ATTR: Memory usage byte count
FROM: Memory usage, in bytes, used by undelivered messages
TO: Memory used by undelivered messages, in bytes
WHY: Memory can be used, but "usage" cannot be used. It just is.
ATTR: Min enqueue time
FROM: The shortest time a message has been held this destination.
TO: The shortest time a message was been held on this destination before being dequeued
WHY: "held this" is ambiguous
ATTR: Options
FROM: returns the destination options, name value pairs as URL queryString
TO: Destination options, as name value pairs in a URL query string
WHY: "returns" is redundant, inconsistent letter case
ATTR: Producer count
FROM: Number of producers publishing to this destination
TO: Number of producers attached to this destination
WHY: Not all producers are publishers – some are senders
ATTR: Producer flow control
FROM: Producers are flow controlled
TO: Flow control is enabled for producers
WHY: "flow controlled" is not an adjective; it's not even a gerund, as "controlled" might be.
ATTR: Queue size
FROM: Number of messages in the destination which are yet to be consumed. Potentially dispatched but unacknowledged.
TO: Number of messages on this destination that have yet to be consumed, including any that have been dispatched but not acknowledged
WHY: "Potentially .. unacknowledged" is not a complete sentence.
ATTR: Slow consumer strategy
FROM: returns the optional slowConsumer handler MBeans for this destination
TO: Optional slow consumer handler MBeans for this destination
WHY: "returns" is redundant; inconsistent letter case
ATTR: Subscriptions
FROM: returns all the current subscription MBeans matching this destination
TO: The current subscription MBeans matching this destination
WHY: "returns" is redundant
ATTR: Total blocked time
FROM: Get the total time (ms) messages are blocked for Flow Control
TO: The total time (ms) that messages have been blocked by flow control
WHY: "Get" is redundant; mixed letter case; "are blocked" implies we can predict future events.