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  1. JBoss A-MQ
  2. ENTMQ-2013

Messages Prefetched A Number of Times Greater Than or Equal to the Broker Redelivery Policy Go To DLQ


      If a maximum redelivery count is specified for a queue on the broker and the message is prefetched to the consumer a number of times equal to the maximum number of redeliveries, it goes to the DLQ, if rejected. This was reproduced with a consumer in SY / JBoss EAP, with jms.redeliveryPolicy.maximumRedeliveries=0 specified on the failover URI and a maximum of 5 specified on the broker redeliveryPlugin.

      Delivery to DLQ was instigated by failing the broker over a few times in relatively quick succession.

            gtully@redhat.com Gary Tully
            rhn-support-dhawkins Duane Hawkins
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
