When constructing the AMQComponent in blueprint or otherwise, an AMQConfiguration is instantiated by the AMQComponent constructor. In the AMQConfiguration constructor, the inherited (from org.apache.camel.component.jms.JMSConfiguration) connectionFactory attribute is never set, but a sub-class member, AMQConfiguration.activeMQConnectionFactory is. As a result, calling getConfiguration().getConnectionFactory() on the component results in a new (the first time) ConnectionFactory being instantiated and returned, instead of the configured ActiveMQConnectionFactory.Calls to getConfiguration().getActiveMQConnectionFactory() returns the expected / configured ActiveMQConnectionFactoryThis seems like unexpected behavior, as the ConnectionFactory returned by getConnectionFactory may not have the same settings / attributes as the ActiveMQConnectionFactory set in the blueprint / DSL.RedeliveryPolicy is used in the example reproducer.
Configuring org.fusesource.mq.fabric.camel.AMQComponent in Blueprint results in Two Connection Factories Associated with the Component
Duane Hawkins
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