1. Create a folder com/jda/flex/base/profile/ and keep the attached "profile-" inside it
2. Edit the "io.fabric8.import.profiles.properties" and appended the below line
importProfileURLs = ${env:FABRIC8_IMPORT_PROFILE_URLS?:mvn:io.fabric8.quickstarts/fabric8-quickstarts-parent/${version:fabric}/zip/profile,mvn:org.jboss.quickstarts.fuse/quickstarts-
3. Start Fuse
4. Run the fabric create command as below
JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:create --clean --new-user admin --new-user-password admin --zookeeper-password zoopass --resolver manualip --manual-ip
--wait-for-provisioning --verbose root
5. I could see that the profile : "jda-flex-base" is present.
6. Now in step 2 if we edit the file as below
importProfileURLs = mvn:com.jda.flex.base/profile/
and execute the steps 3 and 4, then we would see the error "Container 'root' does not exist"