Resolution: Done
Fuse 7.3 Sprint 40 - Dev #1
Camel offers a RAW() construct to allow characters to be entered into endpoint URIs that would otherwise be treated as having special meaning in a URI. This is helpful if the developer needs to enter symbols like the + sign, which would otherwise be treated as a delimiter.
However, the RAW parser is not particularly smart. In particular, RAW doesn't help when the text has to include parentheses.
What would be useful is way to either:
1. Escape parentheses so they could be used within a RAW block or
2. Configure the use of a start and end marker characters than parentheses, so parentheses could be used as-is
This problem has been discussed on various forums on a number of occasions, as well as being raised by customers in Tech Support cases. So there is a genuine need for work in this area.