The following error occurs in camel when building in PNC
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project camel-kafka: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.camel:camel-kafka:jar:2.21.0.fuse-720040-redhat-00001: Could not find artifact org.apache.kafka:kafka_2.11:jar:2.0.0.redhat-00003 in indy-mvn (http://indy.project-newcastle.svc.cluster.local/api/folo/track/build_camel-2-21-0-7-2-0_20181031.1255/maven/group/build_camel-2-21-0-7-2-0_20181031.1255) -> [Help 1] org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal on project camel-kafka: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.camel:camel-kafka:jar:2.21.0.fuse-720040-redhat-00001: Could not find artifact org.apache.kafka:kafka_2.11:jar:2.0.0.redhat-00003 in indy-mvn (http://indy.project-newcastle.svc.cluster.local/api/folo/track/build_camel-2-21-0-7-2-0_20181031.1255/maven/group/build_camel-2-21-0-7-2-0_20181031.1255)
This is due to the following automatic alignment in PNC in parent/pom.xml -
+ <kafka-version>2.0.0.redhat-00003</kafka-version> - <kafka-version>2.0.0</kafka-version>
The aligned productised build does not produce the required org.apache.kafka:kafka_2.11:jar:2.0.0.redhat-00003 artifact, the build is from PNC and can be found here as part of AMQ streams, It is a gradle project that has been converted to a maven project, this is normally a complex and fiddly process.
The productised build currently only targets scala 2.12, the upstream version targets both 2.12 and 2.11
- relates to
ENTESB-9728 Build Fuse 7.2.0.CR1
- Closed