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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-9541

Hawtio: Duplicating of context after suspend/start context from Karaf console


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • fuse-7.2
    • fuse-7.2
    • Camel
    • None
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      1. Launch Fuse on Karaf.
      2. Open the Hawtio, do login, go to Camel tab and expand the Camel Contexts tree.
      3. In Karaf console suspend the specific context (for example, cbr-example-context) and then start it.
      4. Return to Hawtio where the duplicate of the context will be shown in a table of Contexts.
      5. Try to suspend and start again - the duplicates appear again.

      1. Launch Fuse on Karaf. 2. Open the Hawtio, do login, go to Camel tab and expand the Camel Contexts tree. 3. In Karaf console suspend the specific context (for example, cbr-example-context) and then start it. 4. Return to Hawtio where the duplicate of the context will be shown in a table of Contexts. 5. Try to suspend and start again - the duplicates appear again.
    • Fuse 7.2 Sprint 35

      Suspend and then start a specific context (for example, cbr-example-context) from Karaf console will duplicate the context in Camel Contexts list in Hawtio.

            yfang@redhat.com Freeman(Yue) Fang
            jsolovjo Juri Solovjov
            Juri Solovjov Juri Solovjov
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
