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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-9504

[Hawtio] Strange behavior of Chart in Endpoints in Camel


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • fuse-7.2
    • fuse-7.2
    • Hawtio, Karaf
    • None
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      1. Open and do login to Hawtio.
      2. Go to Camel tab.
      3. Expand, for example, the log-example-context and click on endpoints.
      4. Go to Chart tab and the blank page is presented.
      5. Open a specific endpoint and go to the Chart tab - blank page is presented.
      6. Switch to others tabs in the specific endpoint.
      7. Come back to the Chart tab and the chart will be shown as supposed to be.

      1. Open and do login to Hawtio. 2. Go to Camel tab. 3. Expand, for example, the log-example-context and click on endpoints. 4. Go to Chart tab and the blank page is presented. 5. Open a specific endpoint and go to the Chart tab - blank page is presented. 6. Switch to others tabs in the specific endpoint. 7. Come back to the Chart tab and the chart will be shown as supposed to be.
    • Fuse 7.2 Sprint 35

      Charts in Endpoints in Camel are not loaded and show the blank page.
      Opening the chart of the specific endpoint again shows the blank page, but switching between tabs and after coming back to Chart tab will show the chart and data.

            abrianik Alexandre Briani Kieling
            jsolovjo Juri Solovjov
            Juri Solovjov Juri Solovjov
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
