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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-929

[DOC] Chapter 10. Managing Child Containers Section: Creating child containers


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      The documentation in Configuring and Running JBoss Fuse 6.0 Chapter 10 Managing Child Containers Section: Creating child containers is misleading as states the following:

      As shown in Example 10.1, admin:create causes the container to create a new child container in the active container's instances/containerName directory. The new container is a direct copy of its parent. The only difference between parent and child is the port number they listen on. The child container is assigned an SSH port number based on an incremental count starting at 8101.

      The new container is NOT a direct copy of its parent, it is a plain karaf container. All feature repositories and features needed from the parent will have to be manually added to the container.

      The admin:clone command will make direct copy of the parent.

              lproven_jira Liam Proven (Inactive)
              rhn-support-jsherman Jason Sherman
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