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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-9170

Camel Weather - deprecated endpoint


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • fuse-7.1
    • fuse-7.0
    • Camel
    • None
    • % %
    • Fuse 7.1 Sprint 32

      when accessing https://freegeoip.net/json/ there is a message about shutting down this endpoint and moving to a new one:

      curl https://freegeoip.net/json/
        "0": "#################################################################################################################################",
        "1": "#                                                                                                                               #",
        "2": "# IMPORTANT - PLEASE UPDATE YOUR API ENDPOINT                                                                                   #",
        "3": "#                                                                                                                               #",
        "4": "# This API endpoint is deprecated and has now been shut down. To keep using the freegeoip API, please update your integration   #",
        "5": "# to use the new ipstack API endpoint, designed as a simple drop-in replacement.                                                #",
        "6": "# You will be required to create an account at https://ipstack.com and obtain an API access key.                                #",
        "7": "#                                                                                                                               #",
        "8": "# For more information on how to upgrade please visit our Github Tutorial at: https://github.com/apilayer/freegeoip#readme      #",
        "9": "#                                                                                                                               #",
        "a": "#################################################################################################################################"

      This is used by camel weather component

            acosenti Andrea Cosentino
            vhais Vratislav Hais (Inactive)
            Vratislav Hais Vratislav Hais (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
