Resolution: Duplicate
FIS 2.0
We need to note in the documentation that to use ConfigMap as source of properties, the OSE's service account needs to have at least view role added.
Example command
oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:default
In addition ConfigMap has to be labeled with "fabric8.pid", where this values corresponds with value of "persistent-id" in propertyPlaceholder element
sample ConfigMap
{ "kind": "ConfigMap", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "camel-servlet-cm", "namespace": "dsimansk", "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/dsimansk/configmaps/camel-servlet-cm", "uid": "307cbee3-7b3e-11e6-984f-fa163ed7c622", "resourceVersion": "636784", "creationTimestamp": "2016-09-15T12:16:11Z", "labels": { "fabric8.pid": "com.redhat.xpaas.camel.servlet.config" } }, "data": { "alias": "services" } }
Sample from blueprint.xml
<cm:property-placeholder persistent-id="com.redhat.xpaas.camel.servlet.config" id="props" update-strategy="reload"> <cm:default-properties> <cm:property name="alias" value=""/> </cm:default-properties> </cm:property-placeholder>
- is incorporated by
ENTESB-8889 Document the Fabri8 Karaf blueprint and config admin support
- Closed
- relates to
ENTESB-8888 Add support for kubernetes ConfigMap to karaf ConfigAdmin
- Closed