Resolution: Obsolete
FIS 1.0 - OpenShift Fuse 3.1-GA
Three significant issues with FIS applications in JBDS right now:
- FIS archetype catalog is not pre-loaded with Fuse tooling, so user has to generate the project outside the tooling or add the catalog on their own.
- A new project generated from archetype shows up with an error because m2e cannot figure out which Maven lifecycle phase to map the Fabric8 goals to.
- There is no support for using the Fabric8 Maven workflow to build and deploy apps to OSE.
- incorporates
FUSETOOLS-2148 Fuse Integration Services integration in Fuse Tooling
- Open
- is incorporated by
FUSETOOLS-1801 Support fabric8-maven-plugin used for OpenShift project
- Closed
FUSETOOLS-1799 Create new Fuse project configured for OpenShift v3
- Open
FUSETOOLS-1800 Create a new FIS (Fuse Integration Service) application on OpenShift 3 instance from Eclipse
- Open
- relates to
JBIDE-20937 Create resource(s) from json
- Closed
JBIDE-22190 Application wizard: Support "URL" templates to create a new application
- Closed
JBIDE-22191 Application wizard: Support list of application creation with JSON
- Closed