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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-8876

Please clarify support for updating Fuse version in Karaf projects


    • % %
    • FIS 2.0 Sprint 9

      Currently the Karaf quickstarts, such as https://github.com/fabric8-quickstarts/karaf2-cxf-rest/blob/karaf2-cxf-rest-1.0.0.redhat-000006/pom.xml contains

            <!-- fabric8 bom must be before fabric8 bom -->
            <!-- scope is compile so all features (there is only one) are installed into startup.properties,
            and the feature repo itself is not added in etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg file -->
            <!-- no need to download kar dependencies -->

      This suggests user can change the fuse.version (e.g. for a patch release).

      Currently this leads to a problem like https://issues.jboss.org/browse/OSFUSE-443, as updating the "fuse.version" updates only the feature files, but not maven dependencies and this leads to both versions to be put into the assembly.

      Do we even want to support such approach?

      If yes, we need to fix OSFUSE-443 somehow... (possibly by going back to the original FIS 1.0 way of having both the Fuse BOM + fis BOM? )

      If no, we should perhaps remove the fuse.version property and have the fuse-karaf-framework managed in the fabric8-project-bom-fuse-karaf BOM (and we would need to update the BOM with Fuse rollups... )

              Unassigned Unassigned
              maschmid@redhat.com Marek Schmidt
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