Resolution: Done
FIS 2.0
FIS 2.0 Sprint 6
fabric8-maven-plugin expects that oc client is installe don the machine and available on the PATH variable
on windows, the name is Path (but based on logs i think that it is able to provide the content of Path)
it is then searching for "oc" file inside this path folder specification, but on windows the file is oc.exe
see https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-maven-plugin/blob/af9c73718c8db9691d24ddd3cf9aac26dd4cd05e/core/src/main/java/io/fabric8/maven/core/util/ProcessUtil.java#L126 to see that it is searching with the exact command name
- blocks
FUSETOOLS-2148 Fuse Integration Services integration in Fuse Tooling
- Open
- is related to
ENTESB-8893 [fabric8-maven-plugin]the maven plugin should not rely on installed external parties (oc/kubectl)
- Closed