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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-8140

Start level of hot deploy bundles is 80 by default


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      Start level for hot deploy bundles (KARAF_HOME/deploy) is set to 80 by default in etc/org.apache.felix.fileinstall-deploy.cfg by

      felix.fileinstall.start.level   = 80

      . There are also a bunch of "system" bundles and default features with start level 80. During container startup when there is bundle in KARAF_HOME/deploy directory with "system" or "default" dependencies, hot deyploy bundle and it's dependencies are loaded asynchronously. It can lead to missing dependencies error of starting hot deploy application.

      This situation can be prevented by setting felix.fileinstall.start.level property to 90 by default.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ecervena@redhat.com Emil Cervenan
            Emil Cervenan Emil Cervenan
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