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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-7939

CAMEL-AMQP Never Consumes Any Messages After Hitting ENTMQBR-1184


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • jboss-fuse-6.3
    • Camel
    • None
    • % %
    • Hide
      1. Start AMQ 7.1.GA. whit attached broker.xml
      2. Run attached reproducer1(JBDS 11 Project)
        You can confirm the WARN message reported in ENTMQBR-1184. Now the message is stored in the queue
      3. Start Fuse 6.3 R6 or 6.3R6HF1
      4. Run "features:install camel-amqp"
      5. Deploy artifact built by attached reproducer2(JBDS 11 Project)
        You can confirm the WARN message only once. Even wait after 10 min, camel-amqp never tries to consume any message again
      Start AMQ 7.1.GA . whit attached broker.xml Run attached reproducer1 (JBDS 11 Project) You can confirm the WARN message reported in ENTMQBR-1184 . Now the message is stored in the queue Start Fuse 6.3 R6 or 6.3R6HF1 Run " features:install camel-amqp " Deploy artifact built by attached reproducer2 (JBDS 11 Project) You can confirm the WARN message only once. Even wait after 10 min, camel-amqp never tries to consume any message again

      Once camel-amqp hit ENTMQBR-1184, it never refreshes the connection and never consumes a message anymore.

        1. reproducer2.zip
          17 kB
        2. reproducer1.zip
          8 kB
        3. broker.xml
          8 kB

            rhn-support-tasato Tadayoshi Sato
            rhn-support-hfuruich Hisao Furuichi
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
