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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-7648

HTTP gateway to allow http request timeout to be set


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    • Todo

      One customer is using fabric http gateway to handle the client request. But sometimes he found it takes about very long (about 8 mins) for the backend server to response.
      He wants to set a connection timeout from the http gateway. If it takes too long for the backend server processing, the connection will be closed.
      I checked the code[1], looks like the httpgateway set all the parameters from the request and there is no place to set the "timeout" parameter.
      Is it possible to achieve his requirement? If no, pls consider providing such function.

              atarocch@redhat.com Andrea Tarocchi
              rhn-support-xiwu Xiaohui Wu
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
