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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-7560

camel-hdfs2: problems with Fuse 7


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • fuse-7.2
    • fuse-7.0
    • Camel
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      You can reproduce issue with chunkSize (and others)

      Way to reproduce (i can help you if couldn't manage it):

      1. Clone https://gitlab.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/jbossqe-soa/jbossqe-camel-it
      2. git checkout enable-hdfs2-test
      3. run fuse (has to have admin:admin credentials)
      4. (for only chunkSize error): mvn clean install -am -amd -pl :hdfs2-test -Pjboss-fuse -Dit.test=Hdfs2ComponentTest#consumerChunkSizeTest
      5. (for all tests, some pass, some not): mvn clean install -am -amd -pl :hdfs2-test -Pjboss-fuse
      You can reproduce issue with chunkSize (and others) Way to reproduce (i can help you if couldn't manage it): Clone https://gitlab.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/jbossqe-soa/jbossqe-camel-it git checkout enable-hdfs2-test run fuse (has to have admin:admin credentials) (for only chunkSize error): mvn clean install -am -amd -pl :hdfs2-test -Pjboss-fuse -Dit.test=Hdfs2ComponentTest#consumerChunkSizeTest (for all tests, some pass, some not): mvn clean install -am -amd -pl :hdfs2-test -Pjboss-fuse

      I have some problems to get camel-hdfs2 work on fuse.
      Some scenarios works, but some of them are failing.

      Eg. property chunkSize doesn't work properly (and worked with Fuse 6.3).

      I was looking for some differencies and i can only see that camel-parent pulls 2.7.4 version of hadoop (https://github.com/jboss-fuse/camel/blob/master/parent/pom.xml#L284) but camel-hdfs2 feature has org.apache.servicemix.bundles.hadoop-client/2.7.2_1.

              acosenti Andrea Cosentino
              llowinge@redhat.com Lukas Lowinger
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              4 Start watching this issue
