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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-6802

Improve handling of Profile <profile> ' does not exist in version: X.X


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      Create a profile with a parent that does not exist or move to a version where an active profile does not exist.

      Create a profile with a parent that does not exist or move to a version where an active profile does not exist.

      If you have a version with a missing profile or have a profile with a typo / missing parent, you will see a profile does not exist error:

      JBossFuse:jboss@ens1> container-list
      Error executing command: Profile 'jetty-parent' does not exist in version: 1.5

      This prevents running many of the fabric commands and also impacts the usage of HawtIO.

      The ask would be to correctly log the issue but allow fabric commands and HawtIO to still function / return until it's resolved.

              pantinor@redhat.com Paolo Antinori
              rhn-support-mrobson Matt Robson
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
