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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-6210

Fabric Port Service not cleaning up ports properly


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • jboss-fuse-6.2.1
    • Fabric8 v1
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      Start a fresh 6.3 or 6.2.1 R4 and follow these commands:

      fabric:create --clean --wait-for-provisioning --profile fabric
      profile-edit --feature fabric-zookeeper-commands fabric
      zk:list -r /fabric/registry/ports/ip
      # check what ports are reserved
      zk:get /fabric/registry/ports/ip/<ip>
      profile-create port
      profile-edit --pid org.ops4j.pax.web/org.osgi.service.http.port='${port:8501,8544}' port
      container-create-child --profile fabric root child
      list = [1 2 3 4 5 6 ]; each ($list) { container-add-profile child port ; sleep 3000 ; container-remove-profile child port ; sleep 3000 }
      # watch Pax-Web starting up on new ports all the time
      # note how many ports of the range [8501,8544] are blocked now
      zk:get /fabric/registry/ports/ip/<ip>
      container-delete child
      zk:get /fabric/registry/ports/ip/a185977e84c7
      # only the ports currently in use by the deleted container got removed from list. All previous ports are still blocked, slowly exhausting the port range, but won't be used at all by any containers.
      Start a fresh 6.3 or 6.2.1 R4 and follow these commands: fabric:create --clean --wait- for -provisioning --profile fabric profile-edit --feature fabric-zookeeper-commands fabric zk:list -r /fabric/registry/ports/ip # check what ports are reserved zk:get /fabric/registry/ports/ip/<ip> profile-create port profile-edit --pid org.ops4j.pax.web/org.osgi.service.http.port= '${port:8501,8544}' port container-create-child --profile fabric root child list = [1 2 3 4 5 6 ]; each ($list) { container-add-profile child port ; sleep 3000 ; container-remove-profile child port ; sleep 3000 } # watch Pax-Web starting up on new ports all the time # note how many ports of the range [8501,8544] are blocked now zk:get /fabric/registry/ports/ip/<ip> container-delete child zk:get /fabric/registry/ports/ip/a185977e84c7 # only the ports currently in use by the deleted container got removed from list. All previous ports are still blocked, slowly exhausting the port range, but won't be used at all by any containers.

      The Fabric port service does not clean up reserved ports when a profile configuration for a specific container gets modified or when a profile is removed or added to the container.

      This can exhaust all ports within a specified port range at some time, raising
      io.fabric8.api.FabricException: Could not find port within range [8501,8544] for pid org.ops4j.pax.web
      at container creation time.

      See Steps to Reproduce for details.

              pantinor@redhat.com Paolo Antinori
              rhn-support-tmielke Torsten Mielke
              1 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
