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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-5815

Camel Salesforce component field LastActivityDate is typed with java.lang.String, which is not consistent with the Salesforce SOAP type "xsd:date"


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      The Camel Salesforce component contains the class "org.fusesource.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.AbstractSObjectBase" which maps Salesforce object "base" fields to their corresponding Java type. Fields such as CreateDate, LastModifiedDate, SystemModStamp are typed with Joda DateTime; these fields in Salesforce are SOAP "xsd:dateTime", so the Java type mapping is appropriate. But the field LastActivityDate is typed with java.lang.String, which is not consistent with the Salesforce SOAP type "xsd:date" (see attached screen shot from Salesforce Workbench)

      When using the Camel Salesforce Maven plugin to generate DTOs for database persistence, Hibernate fails because LASTACTIVITYDATE (type "String") cannot be persisted to Oracle DATE column. The error is not a surprise.

            dbokde Dhiraj Bokde
            rhn-support-rkieley Roderick Kieley
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