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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-5803

[patching] split patch-core to impl and api bundles


    • % %
    • Sprint 6 - towards CR1

      I was analyzing fabric:create logs and I saw this:

      Bundles to refresh:
        activemq-karaf / 5.11.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi/5.11.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        auth / 0.0.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        biz.aQute.bndlib / (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        com.google.guava / 15.0.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        com.sun.mail.javax.mail / 1.5.5 (Wired to org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi/5.11.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        config-adminTest.xml / 0.0.0 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        io.fabric8.fabric-agent / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to io.fabric8.patch.patch-core/1.2.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        io.fabric8.fabric-commands / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to org.apache.karaf.features.core/2.4.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        io.fabric8.fabric-features-service / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to org.apache.karaf.features.core/2.4.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        io.fabric8.fabric-maven-proxy / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to io.fabric8.fabric-project-deployer/1.2.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        io.fabric8.fabric-project-deployer / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to io.fabric8.fabric-agent/1.2.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        io.fabric8.mq.camel-amq / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        io.fabric8.mq.mq-discovery / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi/5.11.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        io.fabric8.mq.mq-fabric / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi/5.11.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        io.fabric8.patch.patch-commands / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to io.fabric8.patch.patch-core/1.2.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        io.fabric8.patch.patch-core / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to org.apache.karaf.features.core/2.4.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        io.fabric8.support.support-commands / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        io.fabric8.support.support-core / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        io.fabric8.support.support-fabric8 / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        io.fabric8.support.support-karaf / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        io.fabric8.support.support-webapp / 1.2.0.redhat-630131 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        io.hawt.hawtio-web / 1.4.0.redhat-630131 (Should be wired to: io.fabric8.fabric-git-hawtio/1.2.0.redhat-630131 (through [io.hawt.hawtio-web/1.4.0.redhat-630131] osgi.wiring.package; filter:="(&(osgi.wiring.package=io.hawt.git)(version>=1.4.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)))"; resolution:=optional))
        jline / 2.12.1.redhat-002 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        org.apache.activemq.activemq-camel / 5.11.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi/5.11.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi / 5.11.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to org.apache.hadoop.zookeeper/3.4.7 which is being refreshed)
        org.apache.camel.camel-jms / 2.17.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-jms/3.2.16.RELEASE_1 which is being refreshed)
        org.apache.camel.camel-jmx / 2.17.0.redhat-630131 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        org.apache.camel.camel-mail / 2.17.0.redhat-630131 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        org.apache.camel.camel-paxlogging / 2.17.0.redhat-630131 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        org.apache.camel.camel-rmi / 2.17.0.redhat-630131 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        org.apache.felix.bundlerepository / 2.0.4 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec / 1.1.1 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        org.apache.hadoop.zookeeper / 3.4.7 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        org.apache.karaf.deployer.features / 2.4.0.redhat-630131 (Bundle will be uninstalled)
        org.apache.karaf.features.command / 2.4.0.redhat-630131 (Wired to org.apache.karaf.features.core/2.4.0.redhat-630131 which is being refreshed)
        org.apache.karaf.features.core / 2.4.0.redhat-630131 (Bundle will be uninstalled)

      I see this chain of refreshes:

      • uninstallation of org.apache.karaf.features.core (OK)
      • refresh of io.fabric8.patch.patch-core due to the above (OK)
      • refresh of io.fabric8.fabric-agent due to the above (reasonable from OSGi point of view, but unnecessary!)

      Last refresh leads to 2nd reprovisioning of the same information, because fabric-agent itself is restarted.

      splitting fabric-core into fabric-core-api and fabric-core helps (I checked it already).

            ggrzybek Grzegorz Grzybek
            ggrzybek Grzegorz Grzybek
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