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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-5694

Publish (internally) SAP Data Layer p2 repository of tagged version


    • 7.0 Sprint 1, Sprint 5 - towards ER2

      Currently, for tagged version, the job used is the perfectus one:

      It deploys Maven artefact to nexus but the p2 repository shoudl be deployed in another place. this p2 repository is used only internally but is required for building the SAP Tooling project and a part of is content is reused to be published in SAP Tooling update site.

      The current way of publishing is to add a profile "publish". it is relying on org.fusesource.mvnplugins:maven-updatesite-plugin
      see https://github.com/jboss-fuse/fuse-components/blob/master/camel-sap/camel-sap-repository/org.fusesource.camel.component.sap.updatesite/pom.xml#L145

      rhn-support-pleacu Do you have an idea where we should publish it? Should the use of JBoss Tools script will help?

            kearls@redhat.com Kevin Earls (Inactive)
            apupier@redhat.com Aurélien Pupier
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