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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-4393

[Patch mechanism] Provision status freezes on installing when upgrading child container


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      1. fabric:create --wait-for-provision
      2. container-create-child root testcontainer
      3. version-create 1.0.1
      4. profile-edit --repository mvn:io.fabric8.patch/patch-features/1.2.0.redhat-621071/xml/features default 1.0.1
      5. profile-edit --feature patch --feature patch-core default 1.0.1
      6. container-upgrade 1.0.1 root
      7. version-create 1.1
      8. patch:add file:/home/fuse/jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1.redhat-071.zip
      9. patch:fabric-install --upload --username admin --password admin --version 1.1 jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1.redhat-071
      10. container-upgrade 1.1 testcontainer
      fabric:create --wait-for-provision container-create-child root testcontainer version-create 1.0.1 profile-edit --repository mvn:io.fabric8.patch/patch-features/1.2.0.redhat-621071/xml/features default 1.0.1 profile-edit --feature patch --feature patch-core default 1.0.1 container-upgrade 1.0.1 root version-create 1.1 patch:add file:/home/fuse/jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1.redhat-071.zip patch:fabric-install --upload --username admin --password admin --version 1.1 jboss-fuse-full-6.2.1.redhat-071 container-upgrade 1.1 testcontainer

      I have a small problem when upgrading child container from GA to build 071. The I tried it on my machine and also on RHEL7 on openstack and it always hangs on installing provision status.

      First I was adding the patch mechanism on default version 1.0 which was also reproduced to child container so I thought it could be a problem. After the meeting I tried it with your approach with separate version with added patch feature but the problem remains.

      JBossFuse:karaf@root> container-list
      [id]             [version]  [type]  [connected]  [profiles]              [provision status]
      root*            1.0.1      karaf   yes          fabric                  success           
        testcontainer  1.1        karaf   yes          default                 installing  

            ggrzybek Grzegorz Grzybek
            rjakubco Roman Jakubco (Inactive)
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