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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-4198

Container upgrade to 6.2 P3 hangs on "analyzing" status


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      1. bin/start
      2. patch standalone instance
      3. fabric:create
      4. create and apply patch to new version
      5. apply 6.2 P2 manual steps
      6. container-create-ssh ... testnode
      7. container-upgrade 1.1 testnode
      8 watch container-list

      1. bin/start 2. patch standalone instance 3. fabric:create 4. create and apply patch to new version 5. apply 6.2 P2 manual steps 6. container-create-ssh ... testnode 7. container-upgrade 1.1 testnode 8 watch container-list

      1. jboss-fuse-6.2.0.redhat-153-p2.patch
        6 kB
        Paolo Antinori
      2. jboss-fuse-6.2.0.redhat-165-p3.patch
        6 kB
        Paolo Antinori
      3. remote.log
        37 kB
        Emil Cervenan
      4. root.log
        14 kB
        Emil Cervenan
      5. threaddump.log
        64 kB
        Emil Cervenan
      6. threaddump-war-removed.log
        90 kB
        Emil Cervenan

            rhn-support-jsherman Jason Sherman
            ecervena@redhat.com Emil Cervenan
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
