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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-4105

Review examples shipped in extras directory for camel & cxf


    • % %
    • 6.3 Sprint 4 (Mar 28 - Apr 29)

      We currently ship the full camel and cxf distribution in the extras directory which includes a pile of examples. We do not currently test these demos nor are they tested in the community.

      Many of the issues logged are simply for missing pom files etc, small compilation issues etc.

      Per our enhancement queue call, we plan to review the list of demos provided in each and minimize the demos we provide in the fuse distribution. In conjunction, this list will be shared with an interested customer for feedback.

      Whether we ship the demos or not, we would still like to fix them and add them to the test plans in the community for all to share as needed.

      This work is currently targeted for 6.3.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-support-sjavurek Susan Javurek
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