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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-3745

Misaligned versions for the Camel Spring Redis Feature


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      The camel-spring-redis has miss aligned dependency versions and is missing the commons-pool2 dependency. The commons-pool2 dependency issue is being tracked at Apache with https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-8764.

      The fix appears to set the commons-pool2 version to 2.3 however the dependency version required by the Spring Data Redis Support (1.3.4.RELEASE) bundle which is installed as part of the camel-spring-redis feature requires commons-pool2 in the range

      org.apache.commons.pool2;resolution:=optional;version="[1.0, 2.2)",
      org.apache.commons.pool2.impl;resolution:=optional;version="[1.0, 2.2)",

      Additionally, the Spring Data Redis Support (1.3.4.RELEASE) bundle requires the redis.clients.jedis package with the range [2.1.0, 2.4.1):

      redis.clients.jedis;resolution:=optional;version="[2.1.0, 2.4.1)",
      redis.clients.jedis.exceptions;resolution:=optional;version="[2.1.0, 2.4.1)",
      redis.clients.util;resolution:=optional;version="[2.1.0, 2.4.1)",

      While the Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jedis ( bundle which is part of the camel-spring-redis feature installs version 2.6.2

            ggrzybek Grzegorz Grzybek
            rhn-support-jsherman Jason Sherman
            Jan Bouska Jan Bouska
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
