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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-3228

High CPU usage when using hawtio



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Critical
    • jboss-fuse-6.2.1
    • jboss-fuse-6.1
    • Hawtio
    • None
    • % %
    • Hide

      Test case is attached in a docker container. Steps to reproduce are the following:
      1- Download attached "docker-hawtio-highcpu.zip" (caution, big file ~800M)
      2- Unzip it
      3- run: ./docker.sh (this will create your container, start it, and give you a command prompt)
      4- At the prompt received from 4, run: ./setup.sh (this will unzip both IBM java and AM-Q to /opt, then will start AM-Q)
      5- In another command prompt, execute: ./dockerexec.sh (this will just give you another login prompt to the same container), then run: top (to monitor AM-Q java process
      6- In your client machine, start three browser instances, and point them to <machine-ip>:18181 (18181 is being forwarded to 8181 of the docker container). Open the ActiveMQ tab
      7- Refresh the browser pages. Each time it is done, CPU spike to ~500% CPU

      Test case is attached in a docker container. Steps to reproduce are the following: ------------------------------ 1- Download attached "docker-hawtio-highcpu.zip" (caution, big file ~800M) 2- Unzip it 3- run: ./docker.sh (this will create your container, start it, and give you a command prompt) 4- At the prompt received from 4, run: ./setup.sh (this will unzip both IBM java and AM-Q to /opt, then will start AM-Q) 5- In another command prompt, execute: ./dockerexec.sh (this will just give you another login prompt to the same container), then run: top (to monitor AM-Q java process 6- In your client machine, start three browser instances, and point them to <machine-ip>:18181 (18181 is being forwarded to 8181 of the docker container). Open the ActiveMQ tab 7- Refresh the browser pages. Each time it is done, CPU spike to ~500% CPU


      Using IBM JAVA 1.7, refreshing hawtio ActiveMQ tab triggers high CPU usage of java container.


        1. ibmjava_javacores.zip
          974 kB
        2. openjdk_threaddump.zip
          35 kB
        3. j9-cpu.png
          43 kB

        Issue Links



              ggrzybek Grzegorz Grzybek
              rhn-support-abelkour Mohamed Amine Belkoura
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue

