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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-23054

Test Fuse 7.13 AR11 on Openshift 4 LTS current


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • fuse-7.13-GA
    • None
    • Fuse on Openshift
    • None
    • Very Likely

      From Fuse 7.13, we have new pipelines and they need to be monitored that all the steps have been executed.

      Pipelines to monitor:
      fis-7.13-xpaasqe-default-dockerized (for each profile [quickstarts, others, components, cxf])
      fis-7.13-xpaasqe-gui-dockerized (for [gui] profile only)
      fis-7.13-xpaasqe-orchestration-single-dockerized (for each JDK [1.8, 11, 17] and OCP LTS current)
      fis-7.13-pipeline-${spring_boot_version}-dockerized (Use UMB message versions)

      Polarion report:


      • evaluate test results based on the older test results (Jenkins/Polarion)
      • report a JIRA issue if there are any failing tests
      • see if there are any new failing tests compared to reported last time

      How to run manually:

      Plan B

      • Use Code Ready Container in place of remote OCP 4.x instance, and run test manually as mentioned above

              jvrubel@redhat.com Jakub Vrubel
              fuseqe Fuse QE
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